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Bloomz vs. Seesaw

by Srishti Mangal, on Jul 5, 2022 3:37:54 PM

PBIS 1With PBIS behavior management features you can prevent negative behaviors by teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors. Enhance your school community through open communication and positive reinforcement. The ability track student behavior lets you reach your students when they need help, and creates positive feedback for students who are on track.

Two of the biggest PBIS apps are Seesaw and Bloomz. Both apps serve as a platform for schools to increase their student, teacher, and parent engagement. However, they do have some core differences - each app offers distinct features.

Key PBIS Features that are Common in both apps

Bloomz and Seesaw provide their users with many similar PBIS features. 

  • Monitor Student Engagement
  • Track Progress toward Standards
  • Provides Actionable Analytics
  • Student Portfolios
  • Personalization options
  • Multimodal Leaning Tools

With Seesaw, you cannot Create Teams within a classroom

With Bloomz, the teacher parent communication app, you can create different teams or "houses" of students to compete with each other to meet your behavior goals. This creates a challenging, but also motivating environment for the students to reach their academic and behavioral goals. However, Seesaw has yet to offer this feature, currently there is no option to create groups of students within a class in Seesaw. 

Bloomz allows teachers to Automate Feedback with Flags

Now teachers can save time while providing feedback! Flags are an easy way to provide feedback and rewards while keeping an eye on all students' behavior. Automatically award your "School Leadership" milestone to a student who earns 25 points in a month or automatically notify relevant teachers about a Tier II type behavior incident that can also generate an administrator referral notification if needed. With the Bloomz flag automation feature, teachers can readily provide feedback to students. 

With Bloomz, Administrators can Analyze Data across the Greatest Number of Dimensions

Bloomz gives administrators the ability to analyze behavior data across various dimensions: such as trends by classes, by staff, by students, by interactions, and by locations. All reports can also be downloaded in a CSV file for further analysis. On the other hand, with Seesaw many educators have noted that it lacks core behavior tracking features which has influenced them to switch over to the Bloomz app. 

So, which app has the best PBIS features?

With Bloomz and Seesaw both having integral features like progress tracking against standards and multimodal learning tools, Bloomz has incomparable PBIS features. The data analyzation feature of Bloomz is more robust, and the value of the school communication app is higher because other than PBIS features you also have access to voice recording with robocalling and COVID health checks. 



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