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Principal of Nationally Recognized School Shares His Opinion on Bloomz

by Horacio Ochoa, on Jul 8, 2021 1:42:23 PM

We are excited to share with all of you our second installment of Bloomz Sound Bites, a series of interviews with school administrators and educators to share their experience with Bloomz.

In this episode, Ben Lawalin, Principal at Lincoln Trail, an elementary school in the rural part of Indiana. Lincoln Trail is a Blue Ribbon, nationally recognized school with a tech savvy community, so they new they needed the best platform to stay in touch. You can hear his story here:

When Lincoln Trail started looking for a prefer method of communication, they did so by necessity. They were using 6 to 10 different tools to communicate, like Remind, Google Hangout and Class Dojo. They knew parents enjoyed hearing from the school, but they also knew they needed to unify the number of tools they used so parents could use the same platform when they had kids in different grade levels or classrooms.

Now that they've implemented Bloomz schoolwide, not only have they eliminated up to 10 other programs, but they're also taking advantage of features they needed badly, like translation given their large ELL population. Now, parents love using Bloomz, they use it everyday, they are more involved with the school.

Our parents are very involved in our school, and the #1 reason is because of Bloomz" - Ben Lawalin. Principal. Lincoln Trail Elementary.

As a National Blue Ribbon school with excellent scores and high achievement, they know part of their success is because of the high parent support and participation. "Bloomz has totally transformed how we communicate, but also how how frequently we communicate" says Lawalin.

If your school or district is interested in learning more about Bloomz, you can schedule some time with our team to walk you through a free demo of all its capabilities. Simply click here:

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Do you have a similar experience with Bloomz? Let us know in the comments below. If you'd like to participate in the Sound Bites series, send us an email to

Topics:Best Appschool communicationSound Bites



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