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Calendars & Signups

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Coordinating events, signups, RSVP's and reminders is a breeze with Bloomz. You can sync existing calendars, create events by group or for the whole district and easily sign up for conferences and volunteers, all in one place.

1. Calendars & Events

In Bloomz you have one calendar for each of your groups. They all work in sync in your "All groups" view, and you can see them individually inside each class or community and create events for each.


1.a Pick from a selection of different event types
Bloomz gives you the option to select different types of events to provide context to them.

1.b Customize your events
Add details like title, location and other notes to your events. You can set them to reoccur and add different start and end times.

1.c Set automatic reminders
Add reminders before the event to ensure people don't forget!

1.d RSVP's
Request people to RSVP to your event, so you are always prepared and in the know of who'll be attending.


1.e Ask for help
From any event you create on Bloomz, you can add requests for items or volunteers and convert it into a signup opportunity (see more below).

1.f Connect with existing calendars
You can link your existing District or School calendar with Bloomz through an easy iCal integration.


2. Volunteer Signups

With Bloomz you can have anyone in your community contribute to the education effort. Create volunteer signup opportunities or have people bring from a list of items to an event.

2.a Request items or People
Bloomz allows you to create signup opportunities where you can request for volunteers or item donations in the same request or event.

2.b Customizable due times
You can make sure to have the items on time when you need them, by adding specific due dates and times for your items, that are different than the date of the event.

2.c Reoccurring requests
You can set up requests to reoccur ever determined time so you can set it up once at the beginning of the year and let Bloomz handle it for you.

3. Parent-Teacher Conferences & Office Hours

Get more participation with simplified school-wide or classroom ParentTeacher or Student-led conference signups or organize office hours to meet with students.

3.a Easy set up
Set a date, start/end times and conference duration, and Bloomz will automatically create all the slots for parents / students to sign up. You can add a break for lunch or even buffer time between conferences for transition.

3.b Keep them private
Keep signups private so only you have access to them


3.b Flexible
Sometimes you want to allow more than one person signing up for the same slot. Or have multiple groups sign up for the same set of conferences. All that is possible with Bloomz.

3.c Ensure signups and attendance
With Bloomz you can easily send reminders to parents or students to sign up for conferences and office hours. You can also sign up anyone in your classroom/group yourself.

3.d Be ready
Quickly print your schedule before conferences start so you're ready to welcome parents and/or students.


4. Customizable Health Check formssignups-5

Easily collect and monitor the Health Check Data of your staff and students with customizable forms.

4.a Schedule health checks
You can create reoccurring requests to be filled by parents or staff.

4.b Customize
Use the pre-filled form or set it to meet your own or local authority needs.

4.c Track and take action
Health reports keep you on top of your community's health trends so you can take timely action.