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Chatting with Stacey Krumsick, Principal at Brownsville Elementary

by Nathan Resick, on Apr 3, 2023 10:02:07 AM

Recently we sat down with Stacey Krumsick, the Principal at Brownsville Elementary, a K-5 STEM school in the Central Kitsap school district in Washington State with 450 students.

"Returning to the school where I was once a student is exciting. Over time we have used various platforms at different grade levels to communicate with families, including ClassDojo, Remind, and others. While they had some features that we appreciated, there were also issues raised by teachers and parents that made all these apps cumbersome for families.


Bloomz has met all our needs, both from teachers and families. The app supports sharing student portfolios, pictures, and other media while ensuring that communication channels are professional and safe. Our school decided to consolidate our communication platform and selected Bloomz after two leadership team members piloted it and liked how it communicated with parents without intrusive ads. We also appreciated the ability to segment our communications to different groups.

The interface has made it easier for parents to communicate with me and other staff members. It has been an excellent tool to resolve concerns and share appreciation. Because we have everyone on the same platform, we can communicate consistently and efficiently. The program has been an excellent resource for setting boundaries, ensuring that teachers are not answering text messages late at night. Some colleagues I have spoken with are also keen to implement Bloomz.

Your team's help and guidance have been excellent, making Bloomz a great product for our school. We are delighted with our purchase decision!"



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